7 February 2022
G20 Presidency of Indonesia: Towards sustainable and equitable ocean economy

A sustainable ocean economy is a global paradigm on ocean governance for economic development with principles of effective protection, sustainable production and equitable prosperity, where benefits from the ocean and ocean industries are distributed equitably. This paradigm is a solution to achieve ecosystem protection, ocean economic development and[…]

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6 February 2022
Podcast ‘Menjaga Keamanan Laut Indonesia’ bersama Susi Pudjiastuti, Pemred Tempo dan Dubes RI untuk Jerman

Laut Natuna kerap didatangi kapal-kapal militer Amerika Serikat dan Tiongkok, seiring ketegangan antarkedua negara di Laut China Selatan. Kondisi itu acapkali menghalangi pemerintah mengelola sumber daya alam hayati dan non-hayati secara berkelanjutan dan berkeadilan. ___ Perairan Indonesia berada pada posisi strategis keanekaragaman hayati kelautan dunia. Berlimpah ikan sekaligus[…]

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6 February 2022
PODCAST Menjaga Keamanan Laut Indonesia

Sebagai negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang memiliki sekitar 17.504 pulau dan panjang garis pantai 108.000 km, laut serta sumber daya alamnya telah menjadi penopang hidup bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Laut kita juga berfungsi sebagai penanda wilayah kedaulatan negara. Diperlukan tata kelola yang tepat agar laut dan sumber kekayaannya[…]

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25 January 2022
Threats to Indonesia’s sovereign rights in EEZ

The Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative (IOJI) considers illegal fishing and threats to sovereign rights as key challenges to the development of Indonesia’s sustainable ocean economy. As stated in the Indonesia Marine Policy Track Record 2021 & Projection 2022, report published by IOJI, these threats potentially hamper national efforts[…]

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24 January 2022
Blue Carbon Ecosystem Governance in Indonesia: Threats And Opportunities

With the worsening impact of climate change due to human activity, as highlighted in the latest findings of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (2021), coastal areas are estimated to be one of the most impacted areas by climate change. Blue carbon ecosystems (BCE) have a crucial role in[…]

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