About Us > Anissa Yusha Amalia, S.H.

Anissa Yusha Amalia, S.H.

Yusha contributed primarily in the Access to Justice sub-division, advocating for the rights of the marginalized and the underrepresented ocean dependent people.

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Yusha joined IOJI a month after graduating from Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia in 2020. In her contributions alongside IOJI, Yusha focuses on activities pertaining the protection and empowerment of Indonesian Migrant Fishers and Small-Scale Fishers. Among others, Yusha is involved in (i) Empirical research on lived experiences of Indonesian Migrant Fishers and Small-Scale Fishers (ii) Socio-Legal research on Indonesian Migrant Fishers governance, (iv) Development of digital platform for increased transparency and accountability in seafood supply chain, and (v) Development of a technical regulation on provincial level.

Before IOJI, Yusha was the President of Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia in 2019 and an intern at Indonesia Presidential Task Force to Combat Illegal Fishing.