In the periods of 2009-2019, Indonesia has lost 182,091 hectares of mangroves due to land conversion to fish farms, agriculture, oil palm plantations and infrastructure development. This indicates that aspects of supervision and law enforcement need to be optimized.
The Ministry of Environment with the Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative and the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law have signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding “Collaboration in Implementing the 2030 FOLU Net Sink Policy and Increasing the Effectiveness of Mangrove Protection and Management” dated August 4 2023. One of the scopes of cooperation is strengthening enforcement efforts laws and increasing compliance in managing mangrove ecosystems in a sustainable and fair manner.
IOJI conducts studies on the modus operandi and effectiveness of mangrove law enforcement, provides assistance to the government and community in handling cases of mangrove destruction, and carries out capacity building activities for law enforcement officials and the community in monitoring and enforcing the law to protect cases.